W.30 cm, H 21 cm
Blyerts, lumograph, pencils, pen, crayon, ink

Bokförlaget Lejd

Book with drawings of Karin Häll.
All drawing in scale 1:1.
Size: 305 x 305 mm Pages: 189 Format: hardcover Edition: 800 copies Language: Swedish, English Illustration: in colour Pub Year: 2020 Weight: 1756 gr ISBN 13: 9789185725519
Published 2021 at Bokförlaget Lejd >
Graphic design & art direction: Henrik Grimner >
With support from Längmanska Kulturfonden>
Florence Loewy Gallery, Paris> Bokförlaget Lejd > Moderna Museet Book shop, Stockholm>
Konst/ig Books, Stockholm> Index, Stockholm > Västerås Konstmuseum> Aguelimuseet, Sala>
Rönnells antikvariat, Stockholm> Malmö Konsthall >
Göteborgs Konstmuseum Book shop> Norrtälje konsthall >
NIDE Bookstore, Helsingfors> Söderbokhandeln, Stockholm>
Hedengrens Bokhandel Stockholm> Akademibokhandeln> Adlibris >
Or send a message with your order directly to info@karinhaell.se
Text: Magnus Bons sve> eng>
Text: LuoFei sve> eng>
Text: Conversation Karin Häll / Camilla Hammarström sve> eng>
Exhibitions with drawings:
Passagen, Linköpings konsthall 2019> Konstfrämjandet Värmland 2018>
HilbertRaum, Berlin 2018> Galleri ID:I Stockholm 2018>
Alma Löv Museum 2017> Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm 2017>
Order Of Things, Schillerspalais, Berlin 2016>
Ur skissblocket, Teckningsmuseet i Laholm 2015 >
Endlisch menschlich, Galerie Montana Berlin 2008>
RAST (2019)
Kulturtidskriften Hjärnstorm nr 138-139

Order Of Things (2016)
Schillers Palais, Berlin