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Church village

karin häll

MDF, needle felt, sewing thread, tin 
L 220 cm. W 110 cm

The work “Church Village” plays with shifts in scale. The piece comprises questions revolving around what happens to the architecture’s expression, power, symbolism and expectations when the church is multiplied. “Church Village” consists of 24 models of Swedish churches found in different places around the country.

2018 Solo show Bror Marklunds Sculptur Grant,  Exhibtion  Örnsköldsviks konsthall
2015 Group Exibitation ÄGD, Fullersta konsthall, Huddinge>

Text av Magnus Bons till projekt ÄGD:
Karin Häll låter i Kyrkbyn ett tjugotal små modeller av svenska landsortskyrkor mötas på ett
bord. Kyrkorna tycks ha sökt sig samman, i stilla samspråk med varandra. När vi betraktar
dem så här ovanifrån avväpnas kyrkans roll som institution, samtidigt som modellerna
framstår som i ett isolerat reservat.

Text by Magnus Bons for project ÄGD:
In The Church village , Karin Häll brings together twenty small models of Swedish rural churches on a
table. The churches seem to have come together, in silent conversation with each other. When we look at
them from above, the role of the church as an institution is disarmed, while the models
appear to be in an isolated sanctuary.